Tuesday, 12 January 2016

You can tell it's January...

After publicly declaring that I don't do resolutions I started to secretly make some. 

I will apply some slap to my face when leaving the house and check that my clothes are clean and hole free before wearing them. These clothes will be stored in drawers and cupboards rather than on the floor. My house will be clean and cosy and the pictures lying on the floor will be attached to the walls. 

So far, so normal (and 100% doomed to failure).  

I was then browsing the Facebook selling pages when I discovered that someone was selling a table in need of renovation for £5. As hubby will no doubt testify I cannot resist a bargain, so off I went to buy a table and launch my new hobby/incredibly successful up-cycling business. 

It's a small round side table and it's sitting at the back of the kitchen piled high with the kids' Xmas presents. In my mind I will up-cycle it one rainy Saturday afternoon. I will sand the top and the legs. I will paint it in Annie Sloane chalk paint (whatever that is).  I will lovingly 'distress' the wood and create a beautiful piece of art.

The thing is, I can't paint, or sand, or do anything remotely DIY and I know that's kind of the point but still...The closest I've got is to googling 'how to upcycle a table'.  And it looks a bit tricky and time consuming and expensive so maybe I won't bother.

Alternatively, I'll cut up some comic books and get the kids to stick them on top and call it decopatch art. If the kids make it, it's allowed to look like a 3 year old did it - right?

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