“So people would like to read your blog then. Interesting. If only they knew you had nothing to talk about. If only they could find the links to the millions of other blogs out there. Blogs written by interesting people with interesting lives. People who can string a sentence together without googling the definition or spelling of words. People who….”
Shut up brain! OK I’m doing this! It might work. It might not. Who cares? Woohoo!!
I can’t promise to be interesting or exciting but I shall try to be me and that’s the best I can do. So, what shall I write about? What shall I call it? How often should I write? Questions, questions. (They're not rhetorical by the way - see that exciting box down there? That's the bit where you write. You didn't think I was doing this on my own, did you?!) Watch this space. :)
Thanking you!