To blog or not to to blog? That is the question. T’is the time of year when we contemplate our future. To think of the year ahead and consider what we should be doing with it. I don’t really make resolutions (Possibly because I’m massively afraid of failure but that’s a completely different topic…) but find myself wondering whether I should be. Should I declare my goals on Facebook or join in the #Resolutionsfor2016 hash tag on Twitter. Should I choose abstinence or intensification? Or should I just try to use more 15 letter words? January arrives with a seemingly moral requirement to eat and drink less, exercise more and generally be a better person but anyone who has a 3 year old and doesn’t need a stiff drink and a bar of Dairy Milk at the end of the day is clearly not human. Although, I might be tempted to take up running just to put some distance between myself and the next explosive and incredibly public temper tantrum.
2016 brings with it the promise of more time as the 3 year old starts nursery next week *happy dance*. So, what should one do with all these extra hours in the week? Well, I’ll have approximately 10 hours a week in which I need to do the shopping, clean the house, wash the clothes...To blog or not to blog? We’ll see.
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