Yesterday, I had my second teeny tiny story published on Paragraph Planet, a creative writing website which publishes a 75 word story every day. If you missed it you'll have to wait until the January archive is up in early February - I'll post a link when it's available.
I thought it was a decent attempt at a story when I submitted. It was one of those that just appears out of nowhere. I wrote it down in about 10 minutes, added a few words, deleted a few more, changed it round a bit. Done! I submitted it with a few others (which might make an appearance on the website in the future - fingers crossed) and sat back expecting a long wait, or nothing at all.
Within a few hours I'd received an email saying that they'd like to publish it two days later. Woo-hoo! I duly posted the link on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Blogger and gave myself a pat on the back for a job well done.
What I hadn't expected was the feedback on Twitter.
@Voimaoy called it a 'beautiful piece' that said 'so much in so few words'.
@bartvangoethem said that 'simplicity is the key'.
And perhaps my favourite tweet ever from @TheJamesWhitman, 'Mint #flashfiction on @paragraphplanet today. Perfect example of Hemingway's iceberg theory. Well done @TheTrueMC!'
I've gained 17 followers in the past 24 hours (which when you only had 102 feels like quite an achievement!) and have received lots of comments, likes and RT's from around the world. My inbox kept pinging with new notifications and @Paragraphplanet tweeted that they were also receiving lots of positive comments.
About me! About something I did! All on my own! With no help!
But it just goes to show that sometimes the most successful ideas are the ones that come out of nowhere. That there isn't necessarily a secret formula for what works and what doesn't. Sometimes it just appears and you simply need to translate it from brain to page.
And let's face it. If I can do it, anyone can!
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