Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Excuses, excuses...

Writing has taken a bit of a back seat recently. When I first got going a few months ago I was writing every day. Knocking out blog post after blog post, entering short story competitions, planning my debut best seller.

Now it's excuse after excuse to justify a distinct lack of writing activity.

This morning I packed a note book and pen in my gym bag fully intending to spend an hour writing after class. 

After forty-five minutes of press ups and weights I decamped to Costa (other coffee shops are available) and that's when the excuses began.

First of all, I couldn't get comfy. 

My usual coffee shop (Costa in Waterstones) has closed down awaiting a refit and re-brand so I was forced to use the Costa literally 10 strides away (possibly the reason for the Waterstones branch closing down was its proximity to another of the same brand...) 

But this Costa just doesn't feel right. It serves the same coffee, offers the same variety of tasty treats and snacks - but it's just not the same. 

I chose a seat next to the window upstairs and that's when the second excuse hit...It was too cold. 

The air conditioning was turned up way too high and I was shivering despite wrapping my hands around a large cappuccino. 

So I moved to another table. I sat staring into the middle distance, an open note book and pen laying in front of me. Then came the the third excuse...My arms hurt.

After attending a class aimed at toning the upper arms I decided that my puny arms couldn't possibly cope with lifting a pen as well as a cappuccino and I reasoned that the cappuccino was more important. 

After a fair amount of people watching I figured I could either pick up the pen for twenty minutes or have a quick trawl round the shops...and as everyone knows, you can't get anything done in twenty minutes, so off to the shops I went.

Twenty minutes later equipped with new foundation, primer, a blusher brush and a strapless bra I set off to pick up the youngest from nursery confident that I'd done everything possible to kick start the writing habit this morning and maybe I should try again tomorrow.

Now if you'll excuse me I have a sudden urge to scrub some bathroom tiles...

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